About Us

Our History


廖紅玫校長自2008年6月15日起,接任本校校務行政及擔任注音班教學工作。廖校長有教育專業的背景和完整的行政資歷,在台灣台中師範學院附設的實驗學校服務二十五年後退休來美進修。2004年擔任僑委會洛杉磯、舊金山、西雅圖、溫哥華、夏威夷以及菲律賓等地區海外華文教師研習會講師,主講注音符號教學、創意教學、故事教學、教學設計等課程。2005年8月廖校長與許校長相遇於Cal Poly University 教育系主辦的一個教育研討會,從此結緣。      




AA Academy is a non-profit organization that serves the community by teaching Chinese language and heritage. We are accredited by the Taiwan Overseas Association as a Digital Chinese Language School by enhancing our curriculum with the latest computer and digital technology. By utilizing the latest in digital technology we are able to teach Chinese language and heritage in a way that is not only modern but avant-garde. Although, Chinese culture and language is one of the oldest in the world, we believe that by using innovative methods of learning allows it to be taught in a way that is engaging to students that study in a technological savvy age. Additionally, it is not enough to read, write, and speak a language. In order to gain a deeper understanding and insight it is essential to understand culture, heritage, and tradition. Only by coupling language and heritage are we truly able to grasp the meaning of being Chinese.

Your Future Starts Here.